Thursday, September 16, 2010

Intensity of Life

I had the choice.

Back about two years ago I had been hired full-time, I was remodeling a kitchen, and Carrie was preggers. I was also smack in the middle of a decision. I needed to decide where my schooling/career ought to go. Many of the guys I work with are over the age of 50. Many, if not all of them recommended that I pursue a BS in Engineering. Its better pay, better life, etc. I started out just continuing on to get my BS in Engineering Technology. This was the shorter, cheaper, and less difficult route. After the first semester, I realized that it was less difficult. So less difficult that it was almost a waste of money. So I changed routes by going into straight engineering.

Really I chose intensity. Every hour of most days is consumed with work, school, being dad and studying. Moreover, I am working on this awesome project at work that is extremely demanding. I had the choice. It is weeks like this that make me wonder if I made the right one.